Guide to Hedge Pruning

In order to maintain their neat shape, formal hedges must be clipped regularly. If carried out at the right time, pruning will also prevent fruits and berries from developing.

The following tables offer some advice on when to prune a range of deciduous and evergreen hedging, including formative pruning information for the hedge's first two seasons and subsequent maintenance pruning.

Initial Pruning

Hedging Plant Initial Pruning
(Fagus sylvatica)
On planting, cut back leading shoots and sideshoots by one-third.
Repeat the following winter.
(Buxus sempervirens)
On planting, cut back leading shoots and sideshoots by one-third.
Repeat the following year.
(Cratoegus monogyna)
On planting, cut back to to 15 cm (6 in).
The following spring, cut back growth by half.
Trim laterals in summer.
Cut back leading shoots in autumn to the correct height.
(Carpinus betulus)
On planting, cut back leading shoots and sideshoots by one-third.
Repeat the following winter.
Lawson cypress
(Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)
On planting, lightly cut back straggly side-shoots.
Trim laterals the following summer and tie-in the leader to a support as it develops.
Leyland cypress
(x Cupressocyparis leylandii)
On planting, lightly cut back straggly side-shoots.
Trim laterals the following summer and tie-in the leader to a support as it develops.
On planting, cut back to to 15 cm (6 in).
The following spring, cut back growth by half.
Trim laterals in summer.
Cut back leading shoots in autumn to the correct height.
Shrubby honeysuckle
(Lonicera nitida)
On planting, cut back leading shoots and sideshoots by one-third.
Repeat the following winter.
(Taxus baccata)
On planting, lightly cut back straggly side-shoots.
Trim laterals the following summer and tie-in the leader to a support as it develops.

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Maintenance Pruning

Hedging Plant Maintenance
(Fagus sylvatica)
June (or after flowering).
Repeat in August.
(Buxus sempervirens)
Cut back top-growth and laterals every 4-6 weeks during May to September.
(Cratoegus monogyna)
Cut back top-growth and laterals every 4-6 weeks during May to September.
(Carpinus betulus)
June (or after flowering).
Repeat in August.
Lawson cypress
(Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)
Prune 1-3 times during June to August.
Leyland cypress
(x Cupressocyparis leylandii)
Prune 1-3 times during June to August.
Cut back top-growth and laterals every 4-6 weeks during May to September.
Shrubby honeysuckle
(Lonicera nitida)
Cut back top-growth and laterals every 4-6 weeks during May to September.
(Taxus baccata)
Prune 1-3 times during June to August.

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