Apical Wedge Grafting

Also known as cleft grafting, this method is used to propagate a number of shrubs, such as Hibiscus and lilac (Syringa).


  1. The stem of the rootstock is cut horizontally across, approximately 2.5 cm (1 in) above the roots, then vertically down the centre of it stem.
  2. A scion is then selected; this should be a vigorous one-year old stem with healthy buds, of similar diameter to the stock (about pencil-thickness).
  3. The scion is trimmed down by making a horizontal cut just above a healthy bud and another about 15 cm (6 in) below.
  4. A wedge is then formed by making two 2.5-4 cm (1-1 1/2 in) cuts down towards the middle of the scion base to form a 'V'.
  5. The scion is then pushed into the vertical cut on the rootstock and bound with clear plastic tape.
  6. The grafted plant is then placed in a propagator at 10-15°C (50-59°F). The tape may be removed when the two pieces have successfully grafted, and the newly formed plant potted up before being gradually hardened off.