Topiary Maintenance


Like any other trees or shrubs, topiary needs to be kept watered, mulched and kept free of weeds. In addition, you should also apply two or three feeds of a balanced fertilizer during the growing season.

Winter Care

If you live in an area that receives regular snowfalls, you may want to consider netting your topiary pieces to prevent any branches from breaking under the weight of snow. In any case, snow should always be swept away from any flat surfaces as it may damage the framework.

Scorch and Dieback

Severe winters may scorch or kill the foliage of some evergreens. Although new growth will cover the damaged foliage in spring, you should still cut it back where it is unsightly.


Any leaders or branches that become damaged or broken should be cut back cleanly with secateurs. Fill up the resulting gap by training and tying in any nearby shoots.


If topiary has been neglected for a year or two, a regular schedule of trimming should restore its original shape within a season. However, shapes that have been neglected for years will need to be pruned back severely in spring to restore the outline. After two or three seasons of precise clipping, the topiary should be fully restored.