Using Specimen Shrubs


Any shrubs that are particularly appealing, perhaps due to their striking foliage or their interesting shape, may be regarded as specimen shrubs and should be positioned so that they can be clearly seen. Specimen shrubs can look particularly effective when they act as the focal point of a view from a main window of the house.

Positioning a Specimen Shrub

When selecting a shrub to act as a focal point, you will need to take a number of points into consideration. In a large garden, a relatively short but outstanding display may be satisfactory; however, a specimen shrub in a small garden will need to provide interest in more than one season, such as pretty spring flowers and striking autumn foliage.

In addition, the size of the shrub should relate well to its position in the garden as well as to the overall design. Before planting, assess how the shrub's size and position will affect the design by using garden canes of the same height and width to act as guidelines.