Shrubs for Acid Soil
The following list gives a few examples of the shrubs that need to grow in an acidic soil:
- Andromeda
- Arbutus (Strawberry tree)
- Arctostaphylos
- Calluna (Heather)
- Cornus Canadensis (Creeping dogwood)
- Desfontainia spinosa (Desfontainia)
- Enkianthus
- Erica (Heather)
- Fothergilla (Witch alder)
- Hakea
- Hamamelis (Witch hazel)
- Kalmia (Calico bush)
- Leucothoe (Fetter bush)
- Menziesia
- Philesia magellanica (Coicopihue vine)
- Pieris (Lily-of-the-valley bush)
- Rhododendron
- Vaccinium corymbosum (Highbush blueberry)
- Vaccinium myrtillus (Bilberry)
- Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Cowberry)
- Zenobia pulverulenta (Zenobia)