Scented Flowers
The following list of perennials shows some examples of plants that may be grown for their fragrant flowers:
- Centranthus ruber (Red valerian)
- Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley)
- Cosmos atrosanguineus (Chocolate cosmos)
- Dianthus 'Brympton Red' (Laced pink)
- Dianthus plumarius (Cottage pink)
- Dictamnus albus (Burning bush)
- Filipendula ulmaria (Meadowsweet)
- Galium odoratum (Sweet woodruff)
- Oenothera odorata (Evening primrose)
- Paeonia lactiflora (Peony)
- Petasites fragrans (Winter heliotrope)
- Phlox paniculata (Border phlox)
- Viola odorata 'Czar' (English violet)