Perennials for Sandy Soil
The following list shows some examples of perennials that prefer to grow in a sandy soil or well-drained soil:
- Acanthus spinosus (Bear's breeches)
- Achillea (Yarrow)
- Alchemilla (Lady's mantle)
- Armeria (Thrift)
- Asphodeline lutea (Jacob's rod)
- Centranthus ruber (Red valerian)
- Dianthus (Pink)
- Echinops
- Eryngium x tripartitum (Sea holly)
- Globularia
- Limonium latifolium (Sea lavender)
- Nepeta x faassenii (Catmint)
- Origanum vulgare 'Aureum' (Golden marjoram)
- Papaver orientale (Oriental poppy)
- Romneya coulteri (Tree poppy)
- Sedum (Stonecrop)
- Sempervivum (Houseleek)
- Sisyrinchium