Flowers for Drying
The following list gives some examples of perennial flowers that are particularly suitable for drying:
- Acanthus spinosus (Bear's breeches)
- Achillea (Yarrow)
- Alchemilla mollis (Lady's mantle)
- Anaphalis (Pearl everlasting)
- Aruncus dioicus (Goat's beard)
- Astilbe (False goat's beard)
- Catananche
- Cynara
- Echinops bannaticus (Globe thistle)
- Echinops ritro (Steel globe thistle)
- Limonium (Sea lavender)
- Phlomis russeliana (Phlomis)
- Rodgersia
- Sedum spectabile (Ice plant)
- Sedum telephium (Orpine)
- Solidago (Golden rod)