Preparing the Site


Clear the Site

Before sowing grass seed or laying turf, it is essential that the site is completely cleared; removing all plant growth, including any tree roots or stumps and any rubble or large stones. If you already have a lawn, but it is in too poor a condition to be worth renovating or repairing, then remove all the turf.

Eradicate Perennial Weeds

At this point, you should take particular care to eradicate any perennial weeds that have deep tap roots or under-ground rhizomes, such as docks (Rumex), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), couch grass (Elymus repens) and the perennial stinging nettle (Urlica dioica), as they can regenerate rapidly from small pieces of root or rhizome. Spray with a systemic weedkiller before cultivating the soil, and then leave the weeds to die back completely before raking them away.

Clear Annual Weeds

Although broad-leaved and annual weeds may still be controlled once the lawn grass is established, it is a much better idea to make sure the ground is clear before you sow or turf the lawn.