Final Site Preparations

Once the site has been cleared, drained and levelled, the final surface may be prepared so that it is ready for establishing a turfed or seeded lawn.

1. Firm the Ground

Firm the surface by treading it evenly or by tamping it with the back of a rake. This will ensure that there are no soft spots which might later collapse, making the turf vulnerable to scalping during mowing. You may find that you have to repeat this process about three times before the soil is sufficiently consolidated, although you must take care not to compress the soil too much, as it will become compacted. However, even after firming, the soil may settle further over the course of a year or two, leaving small hollows. This may be remedied by applying a top-dressing.

2. Rake the Soil

After firming, rake the soil to a fine tilth, creating a level surface without hollows or humps, and with a fine crumb texture. Remove any stones larger than about 1 cm if you plan to sow seed; however, if turfing, you'll only need to remove stones over 2.5 cm (1 in).

3. Remove any Weeds

Leave the prepared site for about three to four weeks so that any weed seeds can germinate. Any resulting weeds can either be hoed off carefully or treated with a contact weedkiller. Once the weeds have died, (usually 2-3 days after you apply the weedkiller), gently rake them off, making sure that no roots remain.

4. Add Fertilizer

A few days before laying or sowing your lawn, apply a fertilizer containing the three major nutrients to ensure good growth: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Use a compound granular or micro-granular fertilizer that contains all three of the nutrients and lightly rake it into the surface. Leave the site for a few days before turfing or seeding.