Applying Top-Dressing


After scarifying and aerating, you will need to apply a top-dressing to fill core holes, breakdown thatch and to level the surface.


Top-dressing is best carried out on a dry day, using a mixture of :

  1. six parts medium-fine sand
  2. three parts sieved soil
  3. one part peat substitute

The mixture should be applied at a rate of 1 kg per sq metre (2 lb per sq yard). However, if the lawn has been cored (hollow tined), this rate should be increased to 3 kg/sq m (6 1/2 lb/sq yd).

It is generally best to use a machine to apply the top-dressing; however, it may be applied manually over small areas using a shovel or spade to spread it evenly over the lawn. A lute (a metal frame on a handle) or besom should be used to work in the dressing, ensuring that the top-dressing does not smother the grass. Luting will also helps level any slight surface irregularities.