New Lawn Care


If you have recently established a new lawn, you will need to pay it particular care and attention during its first year to ensure that it develops into a healthy, attractive feature for your garden. Avoid using the lawn too heavily during its first full growing season as young grasses are particularly vulnerable to damage by wear.

First Mow

When the grass reaches a height of about 5 cm (2 in), use a rotary mower to cut it back to 2.5 cm (1 in). Avoid using a cylinder mower with a roller for the first three cuts, as this type of mower tends to tear delicate, young leaves. If your mower doesn't have a collection box, make sure that you carefully rake up and remove all excess clippings; this will help to keep lawn weeds at bay.

Subsequent Mowing

Keep the lawn at a height of 2.5 cm (1 in) during the first year, continuing to mow when necessary through to late autumn. The following spring, gradually lower the height of the cut to match the quality of lawn you are aiming for. You can heck out the article on mowing to find out the height and frequency of cut for all styles of lawn; however, in general, fine lawns should be mown once or twice a week to a height of 1 cm, whilst utility lawns should be mown once a week to 2.5 cm.

The first lawns appeared in the 1st century AD, promoted in Greece by Pliny the Younger.