Scented Flowers
The following list of annuals and biennials shows the range of plants that may be grown for their fragrant flowers:
- Centaurea moschata (Sweet sultan)
- Dianthus chinensis (Rainbow Pink)
- Dianthus Giant Chabaud Series (Wild carnation)
- Heliotropium (some) (Heliotrope)
- Lathyrus odoratus (Sweet pea)
- Lobularia maritima (Sweet alyssum)
- Matthiola (Stock)
- Primula (some)
- Reseda odorata (Mignonette)
- Viola x wittrockiana (Pansy)
- Exacum affine (Persian violet)
- Heliotropium (some) (Heliotrope)
- Humea elegans (Incense Plant)
- Nicotiana alata (Flowering tobacco)
- Primula (some)