Choosing the Right Rock Plant for the Conditions

When choosing any type of plant, it is always best to select a variety that will thrive in the conditions your garden has to offer, rather than trying to make the conditions suit the plant.

Take some time to learn about your garden environment; find out what type of soil you have, the level of exposure to winds, the areas of sunshine and shade, and the amount of rainfall the garden receives.

In this section, you'll find a series of guides to help you to choose rock plants or alpines that will flourish in a range of different conditions.

Dwarf Shrubs
A list of the best dwarf shrubs to plant in rock gardens.
Rock Plants for Acid Soil
Find out some of the rock garden plants that require acidic soils.
Rock Plants for Alkaline Soil
A look at the range of rock garden plants and alpines that can tolerate growing in a very alkaline soils.
Rock Plants for Sandy Soil
Details of a wide number of rock garden plants and alpines that prefer to grow in sandy or well-drained soils.
Rock Plants for Dry Shade
Find out which rock garden plants and alpines may be grown in dry, shady conditions.
Rock Plants for Moist Shade
Some examples of rock plants that can tolerate growing in damp shade.
Paving and Crevice Plants
A look at the alpines and rock plants that are particularly suitable for growing in crevices and between paving.
Scree Garden Plants
These rock garden plants and alpines may be grown in scree gardens.
Rock Plants for Polluted Air
See which rock plants and alpines are able to survive in gardens exposed to air pollution.
Rock Plants for Exposed Sites
Discover which rock plants and alpines are able to withstand growing in very windy or exposed areas.