The Effect of Drought on Plants
All plants may be affected by drought, especially those that are young, container grown, or in light, sandy soils. Drought-affected plants show symptoms of scorching and browning of foliage, with premature leaf and fruit fall. As nutrients are absorbed in soil water, plants may also become starved. This may lead to permanent damage or even death.
Prolonged drought conditions for plants are not always caused simply by a lack of rain, but may also be due to injured or restricted roots, excessive water loss from the leaves on exposed sites or soil compaction.
It is much easier to prevent drought than to treat it; plants exposed to prolonged drought conditions may not always recover once adequate water is supplied. To reduce the potential for drought damage, incorporate plenty of well-rotted organic matter into the soil, and add water-retaining granules to containers. Water plants deeply and thoroughly, rather than little and often. This will help them to develop healthy, deep root systems.