Deciding Which Fruits to Grow
There is a huge range of fruit trees, bushes and canes available to grow in the garden; these may be grouped according to their fruit characteristics, the manner in which they grow and their frost-hardiness.
Fruit Types and Examples
Many of the fruits that can be grown in the UK (either under cover or outdoors) are listed below:
1. Nuts
Contains a hard outer shell around an edible kernel.
- Almonds
- Cobnuts
- Filberts
- Pecan Nuts
- Sweet Chestnuts
- Walnuts
2. Soft Fruits
Bush fruits:
Fruits grown on naturally shrubby, compact bushes.
- Blackcurrants
- Blueberries
- Gooseberries
- Redcurrants
- Whitecurrants
Cane fruits:
Fruits produced on cane-like shoots, usually borne on the previous years growth.
- Blackberries
- Raspberries
Herbaceous fruits
- Strawberries
3. Tender Fruits
Fruits that need warm, sub-tropical temperatures.
- Avocado Pears
- Citrus
- Guavas
- Loquats
- Mangoes
- Olives
- Papayas
- Pineapples
- Pomegranates
- Prickly Pears
- Tree Tomatoes
4. Tree Fruits
Pome fruits:
Fleshy fruits with seeds and a core.
- Apples
- Medlars
- Pears
- Quinces
Stone fruits:
Fruits that contain a central stone.
- Apricots
- Cherries
- Damsons
- Nectarines
- Peaches
- Plums
Other fruits
- Figs
- Mulberries
- Persimmons
5. Vine Fruits
Fruits that grow on woody climbers.
- Grapes
- Kiwi Fruits
- Passion Fruits
The most important thing is to choose a fruit (or fruits) that you enjoy eating. If you like one particular fruit, think about selecting a variety that is not available or is difficult to find in the shops.
In some cultures, it is traditional to plant a fruit tree to commemorate the birth of a child; an apple for a baby boy, a pear for a baby girl.
It is also possible to buy trees with more than one variety of fruit grafted onto a single rootstock; these 'family trees' can provide you with a good choice of fruit even if you have very limited space. For example:
- Pear: 'Beth', 'Conference' and 'Concorde'
- Apple: 'Egremont Russet', 'Fiesta' and 'Sun'
With three different, compatible varieties grafted onto one tree, these trees are ideal for a small garden where space is at a premium.