How to Measure a Slope


You can make an approximate estimate of the height of a steep bank by standing at the bottom and relating it to your own height. However, for a more accurate measurement, you will need to use a pole, straight-edged plank and spirit level.

  1. Place one end of the plank on the ground at the top of the slope.
  2. Position the pole vertically at the other end of the plank, bringing the plank to a horizontal level by centring the bubble in the spirit level.
  3. Mark the level of the plank on the pole and record the measurement from the mark to the ground.
  4. For a very tall bank, it may be necessary to repeat this technique several times down the slope. Each time, place the end of the plank in the position previously occupied by the foot of the pole. By adding the vertical measurements together you can work out the fall of the whole slope.

If the garden slopes unevenly, you may need to repeat the process in different positions. Make sure that you plot the level lines on your survey; they will be useful if you want to prepare contour drawings.