The Gardening Year for Lawns


Procedure Steps
Sowing and Laying
  • Prepare soil for laying turf or sowing grass seed in early spring.
  • Lay turf or sow seed in mid to late spring.
  • In early spring, roll lawn before mowing if it has been lifted by frost during winter.
  • Start mowing when grass begins to grow, starting with blades high and lowering them gradually as the spring goes on.
  • In late spring, mow weekly, adjusting to summer cut height.
  • May be needed in dry areas from mid-spring onwards.
  • Apply spring fertilizer in mid to late spring, unless moss is present (see below).
Aerating and Scarifying
  • Lightly scarify in mid to late spring: scratch with a rake.
Weed and Moss Control
  • Apply lawn sand to get rid of moss. Remove with raking when it has turned black.
  • Apply selective weedkiller, or dig out small patched of weeds by hand.
Other Tasks
  • Recut edges if required.
  • Sweep away wormcasts.
  • Carry out any restoration work.


Procedure Steps
  • Mow 1-3 times a week, setting the mower higher in dry periods.
  • Cut wildflower meadow grass in late summer, once the flowers have set seed.
  • Water well in dry periods, before the grass begins to go brown.
  • Feed weak or patchy lawns in early summer with lawn fertilizer.
Aerating and Scarifying
  • Spike or slit areas subject to heavy wear.
Weed and Moss Control
  • Spot-treat weeds with lawn weedkiller, or dig out by hand.
Other Tasks
  • Trim edges.


Procedure Steps
Sowing and Laying
  • Sow grass seed or lay turf in early autumn.
  • Reduce height of cut as growth rate slows.
  • Set mower to wintercut height by the end of autumn.
  • Occasionally water if dry.
  • Apply high potash autumn lawn feed a few days after scarifying.
Aerating and Scarifying
  • Scarify and aerate lawn, or hollow tine to remove thatch.
Weed and Moss Control
  • Apply weedkiller.
  • Treat moss with lawn sand.
Other Tasks
  • Carry out any repair work.
  • Sweep off wormcasts.
  • Top-dress after autumn renovation.
  • Rake up and remove fallen leaves.


Procedure Steps
  • Cease mowing, although you may need to lightly mow occasionally if there is new growth.
Other Tasks
  • Service lawn tools.
  • Avoid walking on frosted grass.
  • Rake up and remove fallen leaves.