
Family: Rubiaceae

This genus comprises one species of evergreen shrub from Southeast Asia. The oval, leathery leaves release an unpleasant odor when crushed, while the flowers are small and quite attractive. Grown outdoors in tropical and temperate climates, it needs greenhouse conditions in cooler climates. Grow in an intermediate greenhouse or conservatory. It can be used for bonsai.


S. japonica (Synonym: S. foetida) is a small, rounded shrub, growing 30-60 cm (12-24 in) high, with small leaves and white flowers borne in the leaf axils. Cultivar 'Variegata' has cream-edged leaves and S. j. rosea has pink flowers.


In the greenhouse, grow in pots of soil-based potting compost. Plants need maxi-mum light, but shade from strong, direct sun. Water plants in moderation and keep only slightly moist in winter. Outdoors grow in a sheltered spot in full sun with moist yet well-drained soil. Propagate by layering in spring or from semi-ripe cuttings rooted in heat, in late summer.


Zone 10 to tropical.

Serenoa      Sesbania