Family: Papilionaceae
Common Name: Shaggy Pea
These small, open-growing evergreen shrubs are native to Australia. Although most species are poisonous to stock, they make small, attracÂtive garden shrubs as they have interesting foliage and brightly coloured, pea flowers. They are worthwhile growing in hot, dry conditions.
Not all of the following species are available outside Australia.
O. ellipticum, common shaggy pea, is an alpine species, to 2.5 m (8 ft) high, with yellow and brown flowÂers.
O. ilicifolium has holly-like leaves and bright yellow flowers. It grows to 2 m (6 ft).
O. lanceolatum, to 3 m (10 ft), produces sprays of orange flowers.
O. procumbens is a dwarf species, which makes a very good groundcover, with oval- to heart-shaped leaves and clusters of orange-red flowers.
O. scandens, a prostrate or climbing species, has yellow flowers.
O. robustum is a small tree, to 4 m (13 ft), with orange-yellow, spring and summer flowers.
In climatic zones below 9, grow in a cool, airy greenhouse. Outdoors, oxylobiums prefer hot, dry, sandy soils, but will grow in any ordinary garden soil in a sunny position. Propagate from the hard-coated seed, first placÂing it in boiling water and allowing it to stand for a day. The resulting, swollen seed will gerÂminate readily. Cuttings also strike easily. Do not transplant established shrubs.
Zone 9.