
Family: Orchidaceae

This large genus of over 100 species of epi­phytic and rock-dwelling orchids is from South and Central America. The roots of some species grow in the leaf mould at the base of trees. Most produce long sprays of attractive, ruffled flow­ers, widely varied in colours and markings. The many, fine hybrids are more likely available than the species.


O. apterum, from Mexico, has white flowers with reddish brown spots in spring.

O. cirrhosum, from Ecuador, has white flowers with crimson or purple spots, also during spring.

O. grande (Synonym: Rossioglossum grande), tiger orchid, from Guatemala, has large, yellow and brown flowers 10-20 cm (4-8 in) across, in autumn.


Grow in an intermediate green-house or conservatory in small pots of bark-based orchid compost. In summer, provide good light (but shade from strong sun), and a humid atmosphere. Water regularly. In winter, considerably reduce watering and humidity. Propagate by division when plants outgrow their pots.


At least zone 10.

Ochroma      Odontonema