Family: Ochnaceae
Common Name: Bird's Eye Bush, Mickey Mouse Plant
There are around 90 species of deciduous and evergreen, tropical trees and shrubs in this genus with origins in Africa and Asia. They have leathery leaves, trusses of yellow flowers, scarlet sepals and decorative berries.
O. atropurpurea, carnival bush, is an evergreen shrub, native to South Africa. Growing to around 1.5 m (5 ft), it has fine, oval, pointed leaves that change from bronze in spring to glossy green in summer, and purple sepals.
O. serrulata, a native of southern Africa, grows around 2 m (6 ft) high. It has narrow oblong leaves and bright yellow flowers, folÂlowed by green berries. The berries ripen to black, providing contrast with the waxy flower calyces (or sepals) which mature to bright red. The fruits are very attractive to birds which disÂperse their seed widely. The seedlings have a very long tap root, making removal difficult once these plants are more than a few centimeÂtres high. This is the best known and most widely grown species.
In frost-prone climates grow in an intermediate greenhouse in pots of soil-based potting compost. Prune lightly after flowering to restrict size. Outdoors grow in a sheltered, sunny spot with moist yet well-drained soil. Propagate from seed in spring or semi-ripe cutÂtings in summer, both with bottom heat.
Zone 10.