Family: Loranthaceae
Common Name: Western Australian Christmas Bush, Fire Tree
As this beautiful plant is semi-parasitic, it requires a host plant in cultivation, like most other members of this family of mistletoes. In summer in its native country, this unusual tree provides a splendid display of brilliant orange flowers. Not available outside its country of origin and difficult to grow, it would be worth looking out for in botanical gardens.
N. floribunda, the only species, is an evergreen tree of around 9 m (30 ft) tall. It has spreading branches and slender leaves, sometimes developing a broad trunk. The flowers are borne in longish clusters towards the end of the branches. It is considered by many to he one of the most glorious flowering trees in the world.
Nuytsia can be easily propagated from the ripe, winged seeds. Sow seed in a sharp, sandy peat mix of 3:1. While the seedlings are quite small, add a tuft of couch grass to the potting mix. Plant out when still young, together with the host (which may be any other plant), in a full sun position. Water
well, particularly in the early stages of growth. They may not bloom for several years and maintaining plants in cultivation can be very difficult.
Zone 9.