
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Common Name: Spider Lily

There are 11 species in this genus of attractive, bulbous plants from China, Japan and Burma. The clustered flowers are borne on tall stems, and come in red, yellow, pink and white. All species have long, curving exserted stamens which explain the significance of the common name. The strap-like leaves are about 2 cm (¾ in) wide and in the range of 30-40 cm (12-16 in) long.


L. aurea grows 30-40 cm (12-16 in) high, with bright golden flowers in spring and summer. It is widely cultivated for the cut flower market.

L. radiata, to 40-50 cm (16-20 in) and a good garden subject, produces bright red flowers in autumn. L. squatnigera, resur­rection lily, grows to 60 cm (24 in), with fra­grant, rosy pink, summer flowers.


Most species prefer a frost-free cli­mate with wet winters and dry summers, although some do well in colder areas. Plant in autumn in full sun or dappled sunlight in a well-drained soil, with added organic matter. They need regular watering while flowering and throughout winter when the foliage is in active growth. Restrict water in summer. Propagate from offsets of bulbs in autumn, after flowering. Plant with the neck of the bulb at, or just below, soil level. If summers are regularly very wet, these bulbs are best grown in a cool green-house.


The species below are suitable for zone 8.

Lycopodium      Lygodium