
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Common Name: Honeysuckle

This genus comprises around 180 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs and climbers from the northern hemisphere. Grown for their masses of delicate, sweetly scented flowers, the climbers are perfect for covering fences, arches, arbors and walls, while the shrubby varieties can be trained into pretty hedges. Generally they flower in winter, spring and summer. Most species are hardy and some can become inva­sive in warm climates.


L. x brownii, scarlet trumpet honey-suckle, has coral red flowers that are yellow inside. It flowers during summer.

L. caerulea, zone 2, a deciduous shrub, to 1.5 m (5 ft( high, with yellow flowers and blue berries.

L. capri­folium, Italian woodbine, grows to 5 m (16 ft), with highly fragrant, yellow flowers, tinted with purple on the outside of the petals. It flowers in summer and autumn.

L. flava, yellow honeysuckle, is a deciduous climber, to 3 m (10 ft), with yellow, scented flowers.

L. fragrantissima, from China, is a semi-deciduous shrub, with sweetly perfumed, cream flowers in winter.

L. x heck­rottii flowers in summer, with rich, pinky red blooms, coloured yellow on the insides.

L. hil­debrandiana, giant honeysuckle, zone 9, an evergreen or semi-evergreen climber from Burma and China, grows 20-25 m (65-80 ft) tall, with creamy flowers that turn orange with age.

L. japonica, Japanese honeysuckle, zone 4, an evergreen or semi-evergreen climber from eastern Asia, has fragrant, white flowers sometimes flushed with purple, in spring and summer. Very vigorous, it can grow to 10 m (33 ft) tall.

L. nitida, zone 7, an evergreen species.,to about 2 m (6 ft) high, with thick foliage, is clipped for topiary and small, formal hedges.

L. periclymenum, deciduous European woodbine, zone 4, bears abundant clusters of fragrant, white or yellow flowers, flushed with purple, in midsummer.

L. sempervirens, trumpet honey-suckle, zone 3, is an evergreen climber, to 5 m (16 ft), with yellow and red flowers.


Honeysuckle can be grown in most soils, but most prefer regular water in summer and full sun. For hedging, plants should be no more than 50 cm (20 in) apart. Prune in early spring. Climbing varieties require a wire or trel­lis. Propagate evergreens from semi-ripe cut­tings in summer, deciduous species from winter hardwood cuttings, or all by layering in spring.


Zone 5, unless otherwise stated below.

Lomatia      Lophomyrtus