
Family: Juncaceae
Common Name: Rush

These mainly rhizomatous plants grow in cool, marshy areas throughout the world and may have little ornamental value. However, a few species are attractive enough to plant at the edge of a garden pond or in permanently boggy ground.


J. effusus, Japanese common or soft rush, from Eurasia, North America, Australia and New Zealand, is a perennial which grows up to 2 m (6 ft), though sometimes much shorter. It has soft, green stems and yellowish brown flowers. This species is cultivated in Japan to make traditional matting. Cultivar 'Vittatus', to 1 m (3 ft), has leaves striped yellow or white. The popular form spiralis has spi­ralling stems.


These plants do best in a clay soil which retains moisture. Plant during late winter to spring and propagate by division. With variegated plants, any green stems that appear should he removed as soon as they appear or the whole plant may revert to green. All plants have a better appearance if the old foliage is cut back at the end of winter.


Zone 4.

Jubaea      Juniper Berry