
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Common Name: Spider Lily

This genus of summer-flowering bulbous plants, previously known as Ismene, has wonderfully exotic, spider-like flowers on quite tall stems. The white or yellow, sweetly scented flowers are quite large, about 10 cm (4 in) across. The bright green leaves are broad and strap-like. There are around 40 species, all from the West Indies and Andes region of South America.


H. caribaea, from the West Indies, grows to 70 cm (28 in) and produces fragrant, white flowers.

H. x festalis is a lovely hybrid, with pure white, deliciously perfumed flowers.

H. littoralis grows to 75 cm (30 in), with numerous long leaves and unusual, pure white flowers.

H. x macrostephana, zone 9, a hybrid, has up to eight white, green-tubed flowers on each stem.

H. narcissiflora, sacred lily of the Incas, Peruvian daffodil or basket flower, zone 9, tolerates light frost. It grows to 60 cm (24 in) and bears up to five scented, white flowers.

H. speciosa, from the West Indies, has very fra­grant, white flowers.


In frost-prone climates, grow the very tender species in a warm greenhouse, but grow the hardier species like H. narcissiflora in a cool greenhouse. Plant bulbs in autumn with the top third exposed. Grow in pots of well-drained, soil-based potting compost. While dormant, evergreen species should be kept just moist, but deciduous species completely dry.

Outdoors, grow in well-drained soil in full sun. Protect from winter rains. Propagate from seed or offsets.


Zone 10 for most species.

Hydrangea      Hymenosporum