
Family: Boraginaceae
Common Name: Cherry Pie

This large group of mostly perennials and shrubs, from the Americas and the Pacific and Canary Islands, are rarely cultivated. In frost-prone climates, they are used as summer bed-ding plants, being raised each year from seed or cuttings. They make good pot plants under glass.


H. arborescens is lovely from late spring to autumn, with clusters of lilac, fragrant flowers. It has the characteristic small, oval, crinkled leaves and grows to around 1 m (3 ft). There are numerous cultivars of H. arborescens, including some with dark purple blooms such as Black Beauty and 'Iowa'.


Heliotropes like a rich, well-drained soil and a sunny, protected situation. They need a minimum winter temperature of 7°C (45°F), ample water and feeding before flower­ing. Cut back the plant after flowering to encourage further blooms and to prevent straggly growth. Propagate from seed sown in spring and germinated at 18°C (64°F). Increase named cultivars from semi-ripe cuttings in late summer, rooted with bottom heat.


Zone 10 and above.

Heliopsis      Helleborus