
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Sunflower

This genus comprises many annual and peren­nial plants with daisy-like flowers, usually yellow, but also in a range of orange and brown shades.


H. annuus, the annual sunflower, zone 6, is one of the most important oilseed crops in the world, with a wide range of applications in food and industry. It is also popular as a decora­tive annual for home gardens, appealing to adults and children alike. It can grow up to 3 m (10 ft), but many cultivars are available of vari­ous size, flower form and colour.

H. decapetalus, zone 5, is an easy-care peren­nial, 1.5-2 m (5-6 ft) high, with bright yellow flowers from late summer to autumn.

H. x laetiflorus, showy sunflower, zone 4, grows to over 12 m (6 ft) and is most suitable for low-rainfall areas.

H. tuberosus, Jerusalem artichoke, zone 4, a native of North America, was eaten by indigenous American peoples long before European settlement.


Annual species are grown from seed sown in spring, while the perennials should be lifted and divided in autumn or spring. Sunflowers prefer well-drained soil, enriched with organic matter, but can tolerate poorer soils. They need regular water in the growing season, but toler­ate dry conditions well, although the flowers will be small.


There are species suited to various cli­matic zones.