Family: Loganiaceae
Common Name: Carolina Jasmine
This genus consists of three species of evergreen climbers, one of which is widely grown. The species known as Carolina jasmine is valued for its bright display of winter to spring flowers and ease of cultivation. It makes an attractive garden feature and can also be used as a container plant on patios and verandahs, or trained up posts and over pergolas. n frosty climates, it is best grown in a cool greenhouse or conservatory
G. sempervirens, Carolina jasmine, has glossy, green, lance-shaped leaves and clusters of large, fragrant, yellow flowers from winter through to spring. It can grow quite vigorously in warm, humid areas. It is a decorative garden feature as well as being useful for pot culture.
Gelsemium needs full sun for the best flowering. Grow in well-drained soil with added organic matter, or in good quality potÂting mix. Water regularly during dry summers. Provide lattice, wire or plastic netting, or climbÂing nets for support. Propagate from semi-ripe cuttings in summer and root in a heated propÂagating case.
Zone 9 at least.