
Family: Onagraceae

Native to North America, there are about 20 species in this genus of herbaceous perenni­als. They look very pretty in informal or wild gardens, blooming from spring to autumn. For this reason, they are becoming more popular, espe­cially where low maintenance is a priority.


G. lindiheimeri, the most commonly cultivated species, is a bushy plant which grows to 1 m (3 ft). It has loosely branched, fine stems, lance-shaped, mid-green leaves and small, delicate, white flowers, with pink calyx tubes, which give the plant a misty pink appearance. There is a pink-flowered form now available. This is known as 'Siskiyou Pink'.


Easy to grow, these plants prefer a light, sandy soil. Propagate from seed in early spring or by division of the clumps after the foliage has died down in winter. They are drought-tolerant once established, but prefer an occasional deep watering in summer.


Zone 8.

Gaultheria      Gazania