Family: Ranunculaceae
Common Name: Winter Aconite
Native to Europe and Asia, these frost-hardy, tuberous plants produce yellow, cup-shaped flowers in early spring above a ruff of small, divided leaves. They are toxic to eat and the sap may cause skin irritation.
E. hyemalis, with lemon-yellow flowÂers, is useful for growing under deciduous trees and around shrubs. It grows to 8-12 cm (3-5 in) high and is one of the first plants to flower in late winter or very early spring.
E. x tubergenii, a hybrid coming from Holland, has larger, longer lasting yellow flowers. This species rapidly forms colonies if the conditions are suitable. Cultivar 'Guinea Gold' has deep yellow, fragrant flowers to 10 cm (4 in).
These plants can be allowed to natÂuralize under and around deciduous trees and shrubs to form carpets of flowers. Plant the tubers in the autumn, 5 cm (2 in) deep, in moist soil which contains plenty of humus. A position in light or dappled shade or full sun would be suitable for these plants. Propagate in spring by dividing clumps, or raise from seed.
Zone 5. These plants are suited to cool climates only.