
Family: Asteraceae
Common Name: Coneflower

These showy perennials have large, daisy-like flowers from mid to late summer and are excel-lent for border planting. Their flowers are prominent, globe- or cone-shaped discs sur­rounded by slightly recurved ray florets. E. pur­purea has a long history of use in herbal medicine. E. angustifolia also has potential. Research is continuing as these plants appear to increase the body's resistance to infection.


E. angustifolia has lance-shaped, entire leaves and rose-purple to white summer flowers.

E. purpurea, purple coneflower, has broadly lance-shaped, toothed leaves and rose-purple flowers, with orange cone-shaped cen­ters. It grows 1-2 m (3-6 ft). Cultivar 'Alba' has white ray flowers with greenish central discs. In suitable conditions the clumps multiply a good deal each season.


Echinacea is easy to grow, but does best in a deep, rich loam and in a sunny posi­tion. While it thrives with regular summer watering, it can tolerate dry periods once estab­lished. It may require tying. Propagate from seed, by division in autumn or early winter, or from root cuttings.


The following species thrive in zone 3.

Echeveria      Echinocactus