
Family: Rutaceae
Common Name: Burning Bush, Dittany, Gas Plant

Native to southern Europe and extending to northern China, this herbaceous perennial pro­duces an inflammable oil, hence the adoption of its common names. It is grown for its fra­grant, rose or white flowers produced in termi­nal sprays in early summer. the leaves also are fragrant, giving off a balsam or lemon scent when rubbed.


D. albus, the only species, grows to around 45 cm (18 in). Var. purpureus is widely grown and has light purplish flowers. The flower stems and the unripe fruits contain a volatile oil which can actually ignite in very hot weather. Surprisingly, this does not appear to harm the plant.


Dictamnus prefers a light, well-drained soil and a sunny position, and is easily propagated from seed.


Zone 3.

Dicksonia      Dictyosperma