Family: Papilionaceae
Common Name: Bitter Pea, Bacon and Eggs
These shrubs are native to all states of Australia, most originating from Western Australia. They are one of the plants commonly referred to as 'bacon and eggs'. While not many species are cultivated, they make interesting specimens either for the shrub border or cool conservaÂtory. Characteristic of the over 100 species are their one-seeded triangular pods. Some are leaf-less, others prickly, but all produce pea flowers during summer.
These are unlikely to be available out-side their native Australia.
D. brevifolia, to 1 m (3 ft), has leafless, zig-zag stems, small prickles and rich, red flowers.
D. cordata, to 1 m (3 ft), has large, heart-shaped leaves and clusters of yellow and red flowers.
D. horrida produces clusters of small, yellow and brown flowers and reaches up to 2 m (6 ft).
D. mimosoides is an open, often pendulous shrub, which grows to 1.5 m (5 ft), with lance-shaped leaves and clusÂters of numerous, small, yellow flowers.
Where frosts are likely, grow in a cool greenhouse or conservatory. Outdoors, Daviesia requires light, open, sandy soil and plenty of sun. Propagate by seed.
Zone 9.