
Family: Papilionaceae
Common Name: Bladder Senna

Mostly from southern Europe, these deciduous, flowering shrubs or small trees develop large, inflated, bladder-type pods. They have attractive, pea-like flowers and pinnate leaves. They should do well in mild and warm climates, and will tolerate coastal exposure, dry soils and pollution.


C. arborescens grows to 4.5 m (15 ft) with bright yellow flowers over a long time in summer.

C. x media grows 3 m (10 ft) in height and width, with rust-coloured flowers in the summer. Pods of both become translucent as they age.


Plant in an average well-drained soil in a sunny position. Propagate from seed sown in spring in a garden frame, or from semi-ripe cuttings in summer.


Zone 6.

Columnea      Colvillea