
Alias: Solenostemon
Family: Lamiaceae
Common Name: Flame Nettle, Painted Nettle

Of the 60 shrubby, sometimes succulent, perennials in this genus from Asia and tropical Africa, only a few are widely cultivated. Coleus blumei (now correctly Solenostemon scutellarioides) is the best known and is a popular pot plant grown for its colourful foliage. It has scores of cultivars, often with multicoloured leaves. They are generally grown as annuals and are also planted out for the summer in bedding schemes.


C. blumei, (Synonym: Solenostemon scutellarioides) from Southeast Asia and Malaysia, has produced many cultivars, including seed-raised bedding types, in colours ranging from yellow and red to rust shades, pink, gold and purple. Often the leaves are multicoloured, although there are named cultivars in single colours which are propagated from cuttings.


Grow in an intermediate greenhouse or conservatory or in a warm room indoors. Alternatively, plant out for the summer. Sow seeds in early spring on the surface of the compost and germinate at 24°C (75°F). Alternatively, propagate from softwood cuttings in spring. Under glass, grow in pots of soil-based potting compost. Provide bright light, but shade from direct sun. Plant out, if required, when frosts are over, in a sheltered position with full sun or partial shade.


Zone 10.

Coleonema      Coltsfoot