
Family: Capparidaceae
Common Name: Spider Plant

A genus of annuals and perennials mostly native to tropical America, one species blooms for a long time in summer and is often grown to add height and colour to borders. One annual species is common in cultivation. They have simple or compound palmate leaves and pretty flowers, in a variety of colours, with narrow petals and long, protruding stamens. The flowers are produced either singly or in sprays.


C. hassleriana, spider flower, grows upright to 1.5 m (5 ft). It has strongly scented glands, compound palmate leaves, spiny stems and solitary, dark pink flowers which fade to white during the day. Several cultivars are available in pure white and various shades of pink.

C. lutea grows to 1.5 m (5 ft), with yellow-orange flowers.


These plants prefer a mild climate with plenty of sun and some shelter from wind. In frost-prone climates, grow under glass. Sow in spring, just under the surface in light, rich soil. Water sparingly.


Not critical; grown as a seasonal annual.

Clematis      Clerodendrum