
Family: Arecaceae

Only three species of this genus of palms, native to Madagascar and its neighbor the Comoros Islands, are known to be cultivated, two being quite uncommon. C. lutescens is the most widely grown in the tropics, often used in landscaping because of its elegant, multi-stemmed habit, the colour of its foliage and stem, and its rapid growth and ease of culture. It also makes a fine indoor or glasshouse specimen in cooler regions if enough space, warmth and light are available.


C. lutescens, golden cane palm or butterfly palm, from Madagascar, is a multi-stemmed species, older plants sometimes comprising around 50 densely crowded stems to 6-8 m (20-26 ft) tall and 8-12 cm (3-5 in) in diameter. The stems increase in number by suckers branching off the bases of previous stems, mostly at or just above ground level, and growing almost vertically upward. Characteristics include the yellowish green colour of the sheaths and leaf stalks. The leaves are also yellow-green in colour, about 2 m (6 ft) long, arching very gently, then curving upward; the narrow leaflets are regularly spaced and upward-pointing. Small yellow flowers are crowded on the stiff, fleshy branches of the inflorescence and the pale greenish yellow fruits, about 2 cm (¾ in) long, ripen to purple.

C. madagascariensis, another species from Madagascar, is also multi-stemmed, to 10 m (33 ft) tall, with thicker stems than C. lutescens. It is not often grown.


In frost-prone climates, grow in pots or tubs in an intermediate or warm greenhouse or conservatory, or as house plants. Use soil-based potting compost. Provide bright light but not direct sun. Outdoors C. lutescens needs a rich, well-drained yet moisture-retentive soil and a position in full sun. It will also take partial shade and is tolerant of wind, although this can cause slight burning of the leaf tips. Propagate by seed sown in spring and germinate in a temperature of 26°C (79°F). Propagation may also be possible from suckers.


Zone 10.

Choy Sum      Chrysanthemum