
Family: Ericaceae

These hardy, low-growing, evergreen shrubs are found growing in arctic and mountainous regions. Related to the heathers, they have scale-like or linear leaves and single, small, nodding white or pinkish flowers followed by capsule-shaped fruit.


C. lycopodioides is a prostrate species, the small, thread-like branchlets forming a dense mat. It has white, bell-shaped flowers.

C. mertensiana is a semi-erect plant to 15-25 cm (6-10 in). The shoots are loosely clad with leaves in four rows and the flowers are a creamy white colour.

C. tetragona has erect shoots, deep green, needle-like, overlapping leaves, crowded around the stems, and single, white flowers. It grows to around 30 cm (12 in).


Cassiopes do well in a cool, moist, lime-free soil in a semi-shaded situation. Propagate from semi-ripe cuttings in summer. If a mist-propagation unit is available, this provides the best conditions in which to root them. Alternatively, layer stems in the spring.


Lone 3 for many species; zone 5 for C. mertensiana.