
Family: Polemoniaceae

These South American evergreen shrubs produce pendulous clusters of attractive, satiny red, white or violet flowers, similar to fuchsias, from late winter to summer.


C. bicolor, yellow-tube cantua, grows to about 1.25 m (4 ft), with yellow and red flowers.

C. buxifolia, sacred flower of the Incas, has very beautiful, rose-coloured flowers, 7.5 cm (3 in) long. However, this species is rather straggly unless it is staked or trained against a wall or fence. It grows to about 2 m (6 ft) or more in warmer climates.


In frosty areas, grow in a cool greenhouse or conservatory in pots of soil-based potting compost. Outdoors, grow against a warm wall or in a border, in full sun and with well-drained soil. Propagate from semi-ripe cuttings in summer.


Zone 9.

Canna      Cape Gooseberry