Family: Asteraceae
These colourful perennials and annuals come originally from southern Africa and make an excellent groundcover or border plant. The gray foliage is deeply cut and the daisy-like flowers bloom profusely in spring and summer. The colours range from creamy yellow to deep orange to shades of pink, claret and cyclamen. The flowers often feature centers with contrasting shades.
A. acaulis is a perennial with orange-red flowers. It can grow to a height of 15 cm (6 in). Hybrid annuals, 30-60 cm (12-24 in) tall, are also available in white and a range of reds. The range which is grouped as A. x hybrida is the type most commonly grown.
In frost-prone Climates, these plants can be grown as annuals for summer bedding. Plant perennials in a warm, sunny position. The annuals grow well in pots in a rich potting mixture, with added sand. Water regularly, decreasing the amount given in winter. Propagate from seed sown in autumn for spring flowers and in spring for summer flowering.
These plants are suitable for zone 9 and above.