
Family: Myrtaceae
Common Name: Apple Myrtle

There are around 13 species of angophoras, all native to the sandstone areas along the east coast of Australia. While angophoras appear similar to eucalypts, they are distinguishable by differences in their growth patterns and in the colour and texture of their bark. In addition, eucalypts mostly have smooth fruit capsules, while the fruit capsules of the angophora are ridged. The flowers are similar, except that the eucalypt bud has a cap or operculum. When young, the differences are scarcely visible. With their lovely, spreading foliage, angophoras are useful shade trees for the garden. They may also attract a variety of birds when they are grown outdoors.


A. bakeri has a spreading, sometimes gnarled, growth pattern. The bark is quite ough, the leaves are narrow, the cream flowers bloom profusely and the fruit capsules are rounded in shape. It grows 8 m (26 ft) in height.

A. costata, smooth-barked apple, is an elegant tree, with a superb pinkish white trunk, clusters of small, cream-coloured flowers in spring and summer, and hell-shaped fruit capsules. It grows to 10-25 m (33-80 ft). Also commonly known as Sydney red gum, it is the dominant species in much of the sandstone areas of greater Sydney and further afield.

A. floribunda, roughbarked apple, has bright green foliage, white-cream flowers with tiny petals and oval fruit capsules. It, too, has a spreading, gnarled growth pattern and reaches a height of 10 m (33 ft).

A. Hispida, a quite shrubby dwarf species, has a maximum height of around 3 m (10 ft). It has relatively large, heart-shaped leaves with wavy edges. The young growth is clothed in red bristles and the summer flowers are large and creamy white.

A. subvelutina (Synonym: A. intermedia) grows to a height of 7 m (23 ft). It has broad leaves, two-lobed at the base, clusters of white flowers and velvety, ridged fruit capsules. The young growth is bristly.


In frost-prone Climates angophoras can be grown in a cool greenhouse in full light. Grow them in pots or tubs of well-drained, soil-based potting compost. Outdoors, these plants are adaptable and do best in light, well-drained soils. The seeds ripen in the capsules' in autumn and are prone to insect damage while they are on the tree. Collect seeds before they autumn. They will germinate readily in a damp mix of sharp sand and peat at the rate of 3:1. Young plants should be kept moist.


Grow outdoors in zones 9 and 10.

Angiopteris      Angraecum