Family: Malvaceae
Common Name: Marsh Mallow
The name derives from the Greek, meaning 'to cure', as the roots, leaves and flowers were once used as medicines. Native to Europe, the marsh mallow has spread to many parts of the world. Once considered rather old-fashioned, the marsh mallow is now enjoying renewed popularity with the increasing interest in cottage-style gardening. However, plants are susceptible to rust disease and also damage from flea beetles.
A. officinalis, the marsh mallow, a native of the European marshes, produces pink flowers in summer. Cultivars with double or single flowers are available.
This plant likes a deep, well-manured garden bed, plenty of water and a sunny position. Drainage must be excellent. Stake plants firmly or grow them against a wall for protection from wind. Cut stems to within 10 cm (4 in) of the ground after flowering. Sow seed in summer in an outdoor nursery bed and transplant seedlings in autumn into their flowering positions. Place crowns 4-5 cm (1½-2 in) below the soil level, and plant in groups to achieve maximum effect.
Extremely hardy; can be grown in zone 3 and above.